Public Liability Insurance

Due to the nature of tree work, there may be the very occasional time where minor property damage may occur. We have a very simple motto: if we break it, we fix it…FAST!

We don’t believe our clients should have to wait for insurance companies to assess damage to property, instead we will have qualified tradesman make the necessary repairs immediately.

Fitzpatrick Insurance Logo

North Brisbane Trees has $20 million Public Liability Insurance with FitzPatrick and Co Insurance Brokers Pty Ltd.

NBT Policy Number: 104919

FitzPatrick and Co Insurance Brokers Pty Ltd

Ph:          (03) 8544 1600

Fax:        (03) 8544 1699



Workcover Queensland Logo

North Brisbane Trees has current insurance for all its employees with WorkCover Queensland.

NBT Policy Number: WCA091129053

WorkCover Queensland

Ph:                1300 632 128

Fax:              1300 651 387

